6 research outputs found

    Mediation Effect of Lean: A Bidirectional Synergetic Relationship with SCM for Higher Operational Performance

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    Competitive plants focus their efforts on reducing manufacturing costs and waste along their production chains. Hence, manufacturing programs with important practices and methodologies such as lean, JIT, TPM, and Kaizen have been embraced. However, an empirical investigation of simultaneous use of several manufacturing programs representing multiple facets of lean is lacking in the literature. Various studies have found that some supply chain management practices are bi-directionally related to lean, but its holistic measurement in relation to supply chain management is still lacking. Thus, this paper provides an evidence of mediation effect of lean from high performance manufacturing (HPM) project perspective in relation to supply chain management

    Bivariate adjustment models of the lean-scm relationship on competitive performance: Intervener and interactive effect

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    Nowadays, many companies ignore the point in which lean production significantly mediates and/or moderates along SCM & performance, thus decreasing companies’ competitiveness. This paper determines the level of interaction and intermediation where lean reaches its significance level for high performance manufacturing, using structural equations and ordinary least squares regressions. Results emphasize the need to consider the human and contextual factor when lean is implemented

    Industry 4.0: current trend and future scope for further research in High Performance Manufacturing

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    The fourth industrial revolution requires that personalization processes of mass productions evolve towards flexible, interconnected, cloud production with greater automation in its machines and operations, called Industry 4.0 (I4.0). However, a homogeneous I4.0 concept, infrastructure state, and other issues are still scarce, making difficult to determinate in the specialized literature, the threshold between recent manufacturing and challenges that companies had to reach competitive advantage through I4.0 inclusion. Despite becoming one of the most popular strategies for continuous improvement, many plants are struggling to turn I4.0 into a success. Therefore, this paper analyzes the current trends of Industry 4.0 in High Performance Manufacturing (HPM), aiming to consolidate the existing knowledge on both subjects, providing a starting point for academics and practitioners seeking to implement I4.0 in plants and offering suggestions for future examination. This systematic literature review aims to synthesize, organize, and structure the stock of knowledge relating to I4.0 and HPM. The results show that HPM papers do not evidence a holistic evaluation of I.40 principles and foundations. There exists in HPM literature manufacturing practices that permit evaluate technology inclusion and their performance but not their autonomy, cloud computing and network between machines, supplier, and processes. The HPM papers trends are related with issues such as adaptability, flexibility, reconfigurability, new information technologies, modularity, automation, etc. Regarding study limitations, it is necessary to study current I4.0 adoption level, technological infrastructure, and cultural factors. The practical implications are focused in the identification of manufacturing practices used in specialized literature to measure how technology inclusion increase companies’ performance, proving the technological infrastructure and I4.0 maturity level. The originality of this paper converges on the presentation of some manufacturing practices applied on HPM studies which are associated with I4.0

    Observatorios económicos y de emprendimiento desde la academia

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    The Economic and Entrepreneurship Observatory (OEE) seeks to increase the potentials of country, in special when are from the academy. By quickly detecting and responding to the various needs of scientific and technological knowledge among all the productive sectors (manufacturing of products or services). In this way, the activities executed by the OEE pursuit the development of the fundamental strategic tools that shall mediate the articulation of the National Monitoring and Evaluation of both, the business sector and the national accounts. The identification of the potential claims of knowledge, related to the productive sector and the generation of relevant investigations at the university, joined to the adoption of learning and dissemination mechanisms, will eventually buildup a pioneer project, that will upgrade the business reality of our country. The creation of the “Think Tanks” as university policy tool, to support the working activities of potential social, economic and businesses, may require timely action of the universities personnel in conjunction with the various stakeholders in decisionmaking of our countries finance sectors. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/rct.v0i11.1072 Revista Ciencia y Tecnología, No. 11, diciembre 2012 pp 29-44A nivel mundial los Observatorios Económico y de Emprendimiento (OEE) buscan incrementar las potencialidades de una nación, y en especial cuando son realizados desde la academia, buscan potencializar esas capacidades que tienen las universidades para responder de manera oportuna a las necesidades de conocimiento científico-tecnológico del sector productivo de un país. En este sentido, las actividades de los OEE desde la academia deberán ser un instrumento estratégico fundamental que articule el Sistema Nacional de Monitoreo y Evaluación de los distintos sectores económicos, así como las cuentas nacionales, mediante la identificación de las necesidades de conocimiento del sector productivo y de la producción de conocimientos relevantes en la universidad. Sumado a ello, la adopción de mecanismos adecuados de investigación, desarrollo e innovación que permitan una vinculación, aprendizaje y difusión. Los OEE desde las academias constituyen el desarrollo pionero en la investigación oportuna de la realidad económica y empresarial de nuestro país, con la finalidad de adoptar los correctivos necesarios en la economía, a través de los “tanques de pensamiento” como instrumento de política universitaria para apoyar en etapas tempranas, con un sentido prospectivo, o en etapas posteriores con un sentido correctivo. A su vez, los OEE colaboraran con las actividades de importancia social, económica y empresarial que pudieran requerir la acción oportuna de la universidad en conjunto con los distintos actores a fin de crear conciencia critica y toma de decisiones efectivas. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5377/rct.v0i11.1072 Revista Ciencia y Tecnología, No. 11, diciembre 2012 pp 29-4

    Revista economía y administración (E&A) (Vol. 2 no. 1 2011)

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    La Revista Economía y Administración (E&A) publica esta edición especial en la línea de investigación Educación y Economía que desarrolla el Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales (IIES). Contiene cuatro estudios enmarcados en el proyecto Oferta y Demanda de Educación Superior: Sistema Integrado de Valor y Suministro que analiza, las relaciones de todos los actores involucrados en la Educación Terciaria, contribuyendo a la mejora continua en la articulación entre su demanda y oferta. Para ello, se considera no sólo el proceso de docencia, sino también el de investigación como elementos de suministro de la Educación Superior (ES). Además, se integra la vinculación de la Universidad-Demanda de ES.Tabla de contenidos. Carta de presentación. Marco Contextual de la Educación en Honduras / Nelson Raudales García1. Demanda y oferta de educación superior: Integración total de la cadena de valor y las cadenas de suministro / Cesar H. Ortega Jimenez, Ignacio Eguía Salinas21. Marco Contextual Demográfico de la Educación Superior en Honduras / Manuel Antonio Flores Fonseca51. La Investigación Científica y su Vinculación con la Educación Superior en Honduras / Mario Roberto Acevedo Amaya81

    II Simposio Internacional sobre Investigación en la enseñanza de las ciencias

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